Relevance of showering and dry skin issues & combatants
Personal hygiene brings health benefits, and most people certainly need to shower regularly. Additionally, to its use for routine washing and grooming, water does offer benefits relating to pain relief and treatment in the form of hydrotherapy.
Baths, saunas, steam showers, and other bathing methods can:
· lessen swelling
· ease muscle aches and pains
· reduce fatigue
· improve immune function
· improve concentration
· increase blood flow & ease breathing |
To a lesser extent, spending time in the shower can have these similar effects. Showering cleans the skin and exfoliates dead skin cells to assist in clearing the pores and allows the skin cells to function. It washes away bacteria and other irritants that could cause rashes and other skin problems.
Nevertheless, the main reason as to why people shower as much as they do is that it helps them in meeting social standards of cleanliness and personal appearance. Meeting these social standards helps people feel at home in their working and social environments and their bodies.
In the cold season, cold temperatures in Kenya contribute to dry skin. Many dermatologists recommend that people should change their bathing routines during the cold seasons to protect themselves from dry skin.
The following techniques may help people reduce the likelihood of dry skin:
- Shortening shower time to no more than 5 – 10 minutes.
- Drying the skin gently after taking a bath.
- Applying plenty of an oil-based moisturizing cream or ointment within 3 minutes of showering to trap moisture in the skin.
- Replacing hot water and soap with warm water and gentle cleansers.
- Closing the door to the bathroom to capture the steam and increase the humidity.
- Using the smallest amount of cleanser possible to clean the skin.